Penny Price Aromatherapy - "Engaged" Employer
Posted: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 14:23
As part of our early-access programme last month, Penny Price Aromatherapy, an aromatherapy company based in Hinckley, completed their Workplace Health Needs Assessment (WHNA) to get a deeper understanding of the health and wellbeing needs of their staff.
It was great to talk to their Managing Director, Ellie Dunmore, and learn more about the organisation and their staff both through her experiences and the results of the WHNA.
From their results, we have been able to work together to agree their targets and goals that they will work towards over the next year in order to earn their Healthy Workplaces Leicestershire Accreditation. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that Penny Price Aromatherapy are now a Healthy Workplaces Leicestershire "Engaged" employer!
If you'd like to learn more about our Healthy Workplaces Leicestershire Accreditation scheme and how it can support your organisation become a healthier place to work, click the link below:
More information: Healthy Workplaces Leicestershire Accreditation